What is Biohacking? How to Become Your Best Self Using Biology

We all want to perform our best, both physically and mentally. Whether it’s getting in shape, boosting memory or improving overall health, we love trying to better ourselves.

Self-improvement is the basis of biohacking: a means of becoming the best possible version of yourself by manipulating your own biology. But the scope of biohacking has grown over the years and the lengths individuals will take to “improve” themselves seem boundless.

So, what does “biohacking” really mean? Is it safe to practice and how can you apply its principles to upgrade your own life?

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So you want to be an Olympic Athlete?

 There are few thrills in this world that rival the experience of standing on an Olympic podium, in front of a worldwide audience, your family and friends, to receive your hard-earned medal. However, this heavy cocktail of pride, elation and partial disbelief (that your dedication and training paid off), doesn’t come easy. It’s not just the years amassed by athletes in their sport of choice that makes them the best in their field; it’s a whole lifestyle choice.

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