SEO Terms Map

Breaking into the field of SEO can seem daunting. The jargon alone can be a huge source of intimidation, never mind going toe-to-toe with Google to get your website ranking. 

That’s why we’ve created a guide for SEO terms. Not only have we made a glossary of what they all mean but a map of how they relate to each other. There are many aspects of SEO—from your own website’s backend to the search engine’s processes—which means it can be easier to grasp these terms if you know what they relate to. 

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What is Biohacking? How to Become Your Best Self Using Biology

We all want to perform our best, both physically and mentally. Whether it’s getting in shape, boosting memory or improving overall health, we love trying to better ourselves.

Self-improvement is the basis of biohacking: a means of becoming the best possible version of yourself by manipulating your own biology. But the scope of biohacking has grown over the years and the lengths individuals will take to “improve” themselves seem boundless.

So, what does “biohacking” really mean? Is it safe to practice and how can you apply its principles to upgrade your own life?

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5 Free Ways to Train Your Brain and Improve Your Mental Capacity

5 Free Ways to Train Your Brain and Improve Your Mental Capacity

We all know the importance of exercise—the means of moving your body to improve blood flow, concentration and overall health. But few of us consider how important it is to also exercise our brains.

As we age, our cognitive skills and memory dwindle and even thinking becomes harder. But, by exercising our brain regularly, we can improve both our mental capacity and memory as well as delay cognitive decline.

Known as neuroplasticity, your brain has the ability to learn and grow throughout your life by reorganising its structure and creating new neural pathways. But to achieve this you need to be training and ‘exercising’ your brain regularly.

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Is Social Media Growing Cosmetic Tourism?

It’s no secret that social media puts pressure on users to look, act, and live in a specific manner. Other than buying clothes that fit in with the new trend or visiting a restaurant that has been posted constantly on Instagram, how can you achieve the “perfect” look you see as you scroll through countless posts. Going abroad for cheap operations isn’t a new fad, but is social media growing cosmetic tourism?

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House Buying: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Despite each romance fundamentally unique; society is usually quick to judge those deemed less conventional when it comes down to house buying with your partner before marriage. Shared experiences for example, has always been seen, by traditionalists, as the breezeblocks of marriage. And living together, post-marriage, as a sign of commitment and love.

So if you're currently house buying: What's love go to do with it? 

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Does university prepare you for future life?

It may come as no surprise when told that there are now record breaking numbers of students applying to study at U.K universities; a statistic that was verified by an extensive survey carried out by University and College Admissions Service (Ucas). In the survey, it was revealed that there was ‘a 2% increase in the number of applications compared to the same point the previous year.’ Although this may appear a marginal increase, this percentage, as noted by the, equated to ‘almost 10,000 more than the previous record set.’ Continue reading “Does university prepare you for future life?”

Where to find quality journalism

Low-brow tabloids are infamous for spinning nonsense headlines and bending the truth to fit their agenda. It’s impossible to know who to trust anymore. Ultimately, with so many news sites and Twitter, the ability to find out what’s going on in the world has become instantaneous. Instead of having the time to analyse what we read and forming an opinion based on different types of journalism. We see a tweet from the Daily Mail, take the update as legit and move on. But surely, if the news we receive is manufactured for speed then those who produce it cannot guarantee its authenticity. So what if what we’re getting isn’t the whole truth or even worse, not the truth at all?

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