Businesses; don’t get left behind by our society of change

BHS filed for administration on Monday after a long battle to find a buyer for the struggling high-street institution. 11,000 people face job losses as yet another household name enters the retail graveyard; with fashion house Austin Reed following suit on BHS’s old-fashioned coattails. We’ve seen the likes of Woolworths, Blockbuster, JJB, Comet, HMV and many others close their doors or go into administration in the last decade. Why have these businesses failed to adapt to our society of change?

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Dyed chicks, tattooed fish: Are unusual pets the UK’s new fashion accessory?

Lena Lenina, a Russian writer courted controversy in 2015 after dyeing her cat for an ‘all pink’ party. The kitten, was rumoured to have died from ingesting toxic chemicals present in the dye however, images were later released on Lena’s Instagram account picturing a somewhat less-pink cat alive and well. Her actions were still heavily criticised by animal lovers around the world. Russian artist and cat-lover, Yuri Kuklachev, described the stunt as ‘pointless and unnecessarily cruel.’ U.K readers were equally shocked, when news reached papers such as the Mail, Metro and The Huffington Post, with readers commenting: Continue reading “Dyed chicks, tattooed fish: Are unusual pets the UK’s new fashion accessory?”

Does Beauty Pay?

You’ve no doubt heard the saying ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but is this really accurate? Maybe, according to some. However one thing’s for certain, being considered ‘beautiful’ could be your ticket to landing your dream job, getting a big fat pay check and landing a well-off partner.

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