So you want to be an Olympic Athlete?

 There are few thrills in this world that rival the experience of standing on an Olympic podium, in front of a worldwide audience, your family and friends, to receive your hard-earned medal. However, this heavy cocktail of pride, elation and partial disbelief (that your dedication and training paid off), doesn’t come easy. It’s not just the years amassed by athletes in their sport of choice that makes them the best in their field; it’s a whole lifestyle choice.

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Local food abroad – Sometimes It’s a Better Idea to Pass the Temptation

The recent outbreak of the cyclospora infection in the luxury resort of Riviera Maya (Mexico), which is extremely popular with British tourists, is just another reminder that trying local food isn’t always a good idea. To make matters worse, people who became ill from this foodborne disease didn’t get it from eating food from street vendors or drinking water from the local wells. They got it from eating in luxury hotels where food is supposed to be safe. But apparently, it wasn’t. Fortunately, the tiny parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis that is responsible for the outbreak usually doesn’t pose any major threat to human health although the infection can be very unpleasant, not to mention that it can ruin your holidays.

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Are cocktails gendered?

Adorned with fresh flowers and sugar rims; the modernisation of the cocktail has seen mixologists increasingly feminise their drinks in order to corner and secure the female market. This revelation hardly appears to be a shocking one, considering that the sexualisation of beverages has long affected business on a global scale.

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Why Britain wants to keep dancing!

Have you ever witnessed that captivating moment where there is the perfect silence? The audience, transfixed by the performer’s dance are completely enthralled and are held in that second in time. It’s a magical experience. When dancers engage with the music and the crowds fade away; there is nothing in their world other than their partner and the emotion of the dance. It’s enchanting. But what exactly creates that lure? Is it purely the rhythmic footfalls and patterns of step? Is it the expression on the dancer’s face? And do you need years of experience to achieve that perfect moment?  We look at why Britain wants to keep dancing.

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